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Baltimore Highlands Elementary School PLN

  • Wix Twitter page

You can follow @BaltHighlandsEL to see what's going on at BHES and create your own hashtag. If you have not created a twitter, please watch the introduction video on the overview page. This will get you started and then you can follow the BHES twitter, tweet, and use hashtags! Have fun!

You can follow BHES' pinterest page to see what we are pinning! There is a variety of resources for all staff. If you are unfamiliar with pinterest, please watch the video on the overview page. This will give you information on creating your own page, boards, how to follow others, and start pinning!


Gina Cullison

Kindergarten Teacher

Baltimore Highlands Elementary School

4200 Annapolis Road

Baltimore, MD 21227


Feel free to leave me any questions or concerns that you have about PLNs.


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